Bladt Establishes Production Site at Lindø Industrial Park

Bladt Establishes Production Site at Lindø Industrial Park

Bladt Industries are establishing a production site at Lindø Industrial Park based on another significant order for foundations for offshore wind. At Lindø, the company will have more than 30,000 square meters of production halls at our disposal and will create dedicated production lines for serial production of jacket foundations for offshore wind turbines.

The new order comprises fabrication of 41 jacket foundations for offshore wind turbines for the offshore wind farm ”EnBW Baltic 2” owned by the German utility EnBW and located in the German part of the Baltic Sea. Bladt Industries’ customer is EPCI contractor Arge Baltic 2 Foundations (Hochtief Solutions, Geosea, Nordsee Naßbagger).

We are proud of winning the order for jacket foundations for wind turbines, and we are already in the process of establishing dedicated jacket production facilities at Lindø Industrial Park. These facilities will enable us to serial produce jacket foundations at a rate of more than one foundation per week when the production lines are fully operational. By doing so, we will meet a challenging timeline for the “EnBW Baltic 2” jacket project,” says Bladt Industries’ CEO Peter Rindebæk.

Lindø Industrial Park is highly suitable for production of jacket foundations for offshore wind turbines with a number of very large production halls, the availability of heavy duty cranes and transportation equipment, a local work force with a strong tradition for quality in welding, and given its location close to the Baltic Sea. One of the halls in which Bladt Industries are establishing production is Hall South located directly at quay side and serviced by a 1,000 tonnes gantry crane for very efficient load-out. The Lindø facilities are also very well suited for production of substations for offshore wind and for other offshore steel structures. In terms of production hall area, Bladt Industries will become the largest player at Lindø Industrial Park.

The order for jacket foundations follows a series of other orders won by Bladt Industries in the past months for both offshore wind foundations and substations. The other orders won recently will be manufactured at Bladt Industries’ sites in Aalborg in Denmark and Lubmin in Germany which both operate at strong capacity utilization and will continue as important manufacturing hubs for Bladt Industries as is also currently the case.

Recently, Bladt Industries was announced the leading supplier of offshore wind foundations in 2012 in an analysis by EWEA (The European Wind Energy Association), and the recent orders won will help to solidify this position and secure future growth. In order to prepare for further growth and to execute the recent orders, recruiting efforts are being initiated for a number of positions within production management, project management, tendering and QHSE both at the headquarters in Aalborg and at Lindø.

Press Release, April 9, 2013