FMC Technologies Receives Order from Statoil

FMC Technologies Receives Order from Statoil

FMC Technologies, Inc. announced yestreday that it has received an order from Statoil  for subsea equipment for the Smorbukk South Extension Project. The order has an estimated value of $96 million in revenue.

FMC Technologies’ scope of supply includes subsea trees, wellheads, a manifold, control systems and other associated equipment. Smorbukk South is part of the Asgard development in the Norwegian Sea, and the award is the third order for FMC Technologies from the fast-track portfolio agreement announced in 2012. The equipment is scheduled for delivery in 2014.

FMC Technologies has been providing subsea equipment for the Asgard field since 1996,” said Tore Halvorsen, FMC Technologies’ Senior Vice President, Subsea Technologies.We are pleased to provide equipment and systems that will help Statoil further develop this field.

Press Release, April 4, 2013