Statoil Receives Constent to Use West Elara on Valemon Field

Statoil Receives Constent to Use West Elara on Valemon Field

Statoil has received consent to use West Elara on the Valemon field.

The consent relates to hook-up of West Elara to the jacket, drilling and installation of 30” conductors in the planned first 12 wells and drilling of well B-20 for injection of drill cuttings and mud in the Utsira formation.

The Valemon field is located in blocks 34/10 and 34/11, between Kvitebjørn and Gullfaks Sør, in the northern part of the North Sea.

West Elara is a jack-up drilling facility delivered by the Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd in Singapore in 2011. It is registered in Norway and Det Norske Veritas is its classification society.


Offshore Nieuws  Staff, July 26, 2012; Image: