Elia Appoints IMDC as Consultant for Belgian Offshore Grid Realization

Elia Appoints IMDC as Consultant for Belgian Offshore Grid Realization

IMDC has been appointed by Elia as Marine Consultant for the realization of the Belgian Offshore Grid (BOG). The BOG consists of 2 OHVS platforms, 1 submarine interconnection cable and 4 submarine cables to the onshore grid, of which the connection point is the Stevin location near Zeebgugge. One of the OHVS will be integrated in an artificial offshore island, the other OHVS will be installed on a fixed structure.

The contract value is around 600.000 euro and the study will last till end of 2014. The main tasks of the team are: desk study of the possible cable routes, definition of the metocean and morphodynamic conditions at the OHVS positions and along the cable trajectory, definition and follow-up of the geophysical and geotechnical measurement campaign, preparation of the permits, consents and EIA, support of Elia concerning Health, Safety and Environment.

IMDC will cooperate with different entities in TE, such as Ports & Waterways, Urban & Regional Development, Geo engineering and Risk Management & Safety.

This assignment illustrates IMDC’s marine know-how and the multidisciplinary skills of the team.

Offshore Nieuws Staff , July 24, 2012