Bluestream Offshore Gets Air Diving Project in Southern North Sea

Bluestream Offshore has kicked off 2012 early in the season with the award of an air diving project in Block L in the Southern North Sea part of the Dutch Continental Shelf.

Bluestream will be using the high spec DPII DSV Seabed Worker for its diving operations. After a careful selection process, Bluestream selected the vessel based on her excellent station keeping capabilities and her proven trackrecord to operate under harsh conditions as commonly occur during the first months of the year.

Bluestream is mobilizing the vessel in Den Helder, the home base of Bluestream Offshore. Responsible Project manager Mark Waltman says: “This year’s first DSV diving project will mark a great year with outstanding opportunities of which the first has materialized and there is more to come“.


Offshore Nieuws Staff, January 20, 2012