Two Newbuild Windmill Installation Vessels to Work at Nordsee Ost Windfarm

Two Newbuild Windmill Installation Vessels to Work at Nordsee Ost Windfarm

Two new build ‘Seabreeze’ windmill installation vessels shall be equipped with OCTOPUS-Onboard. The vessels shall be operated by NSB (Germany) in order to install windmills in the Nordsee Ost windfarm project for RWE Innogy.

RWE Innogy pools the renewable energy expertise and power plants of the RWE Group. The company plans, builds and operates facilities generating power from renewable energies. Part of the ordered scope for the Seabreeze windmill installation vessels is the OCTOPUS-Onboard motion monitoring and forecast, crane tip monitoring, DP-Capability Forecast and a display of operational windows. OCTOPUS-Office is ordered to calculate the workability windows and sea keeping ability of the Seabreeze vessels.

In addition to this order, Amarcon shall also provide a wireless system to monitor the x- and y-acceleration of the four legs of the Seabreeze vessels when they are transported from the shipyard in Korea to Europe by the Offshore Heavy Transport vessels Falcon and Eagle. The OHT vessels are already using OCTOPUS-Onboard since 2006 for execution of Heavy Lift transport operations. For the ocean transport of the Seabreeze vessels, motion sensors will be included on top of the 4 legs. The sensors will be equipped with an antenna for signal transport to the OCTOPUS-Onboard system on the bridge of the Eagle and Falcon. This way the crew has a clear insight in critical accelerations of the legs.


Offshore Nieuws Staff , November 21, 2011; Image: rwe