Dutch Government Signs Green Deal with NWEA

The Dutch government and the Netherlands Wind Energy Association (NWEA) have jointly signed a Green Deal on offshore wind energy.

For further development of wind energy in the North Sea a substantial reduction of the cost is required, increasing to 40% in 2020. Innovation and policy adjustments form an essential part. The Green Deal incorporates pilot projects to test innovations. The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture & Innovation (EL&I) and the Ministry of and Infrastructure & Environment (I&M) establish a round table council with the industry to effectuate the Green Deal.

The Offshore Wind Energy Green Deal is signed by the minister of EL&I, Maxime Verhagen, the vice minister of I&M, Joop Atsma, and the chairman of NWEA, Jaap Warners.Offshore wind energy offers great opportunities for the Dutch economy” stresses Warners “and is absolutely essential to meet the European renewable energy targets.” NWEA will form a business coalition of companies and organizations. This coalition will contribute to lower the costs of offshore wind energy by innovations and will be presented at the EWEA Offshore 2011 conference in Amsterdam.

 Theo Bruijninckx, chairman of the board of Ballast Nedam NV, describes the importance of the Green Deal as follows: “With this Green Deal, the government clearly indicates that offshore wind energy has priority in the sustainable policy and it recognizes the importance of a strong domestic market to improve the export opportunities for Dutch industry. The current position of the offshore industry will be strengthened and expanded by this Green Deal and by the construction of Dutch offshore wind farms. Following the example of Britain and Germany, this will provide many green jobs in a of origin typically Dutch industry.”


Source: nwea, October 10, 2011;